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AbelDOT Abel D.O.B.(FRC) Prairal 13 Blood Type O
AbelP D.O.B.(A.D.) 1 Jun Height 183 cm
Birthplace United Kingdom of Lubiona Weight 85 kg
Hobby Collecting Swords
Title Sword Master 『ルビオナ連合国』出身の剣士。

闘争に身を置いて力を追い求め、戦い続ける不敗の戦士。 戦いの果てに彼が得た答えとは、一体何か。

JP Name アベル
CN Name 阿貝爾
Attribute Anger (Red)
Duel Quotes
General Quotes
Character Specific Quotes


Abel ULSC sk1
Effect ULSC Attack 2= 3.
Cost ULSC gem 2 3 Notes
Decompose (Normal) Red +5
Decompose (Rare) Red +15
Craft Red -40
Maximum 2

Abel ULSC sk2
Effect After the counting of this card, you receieve 0 damage from the target of this card in this turn.
CostULSC gem 2 5 Notes
Decompose (Normal) Red +150
Decompose (Rare) Red +450
Craft Red -750
Maximum 2

Abel ULSC sk3
Effect ULSC Attack 2 = 3 * (number of red dice).
CostULSC gem 2 6 Notes
Decompose (Normal) Red +250
Decompose (Rare) Red +750
Craft Red +1250
Maximum 2

Abel ULSC sk4
Effect ULSC Attack 2 = 3.
When this card is counted in the battle, all players except yourself HP -3.
CostULSC gem 2 4 Notes
Decompose (Normal) Red +400
Decompose (Rare) Red +1200
Craft Red +2000
Maximum 2

