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CobbDOT Cobb D.O.B.(FRC) Fructidor 8 Blood Type AB
CobbP D.O.B.(A.D.) 25th August Height 181 cm
Birthplace ??? Weight 79 kg
Hobby Gambling
Title Deviant 『魔都ローゼンブルグ』の犯罪組織「プライムワン」のアンダーボス。

苛烈にして狡猾な精神により、瞬く間に組織内で頭角を現した。 成り上がろうとあらゆる手段を講じる男は、頂点を目指して悪虐の限りを尽くす。

JP Name コッブ
CN Name 柯布
Attribute Knowledge (Blue)
Duel Quotes
General Quotes
Character Specific Quotes


Cobb ULSC sk1
Effect ULSC Attack 2 = 2.
ULSC gem 2 = 3.
When you purchase this card successfully, an extra [Loan] card will be add to your hand immediately.
Cost ULSC gem 2 2 Notes [Loan]: ULSC gem 2 = -1. This card will be moved to [Graveyard] if you purchase something successfully using this card.
Decompose (Normal) Blue +5
Decompose (Rare) Blue +15
Craft Blue -40
Maximum 3

Cobb ULSC sk2
Effect When you purchase this card successfully, an extra [Loan] card will be add to your hand immediately.
After placing this card on an item, all the other cards placed on the item afterward are strengthed by ( ULSC gem 2 +1) for this turn.
CostULSC gem 2 4 Notes N/A

Decompose (Normal) Blue +150
Decompose (Rare) Blue +450
Craft Blue -750
Maximum 2

Cobb ULSC sk3
Effect ULSC gem 2 = 4.
When you purchase this card successfully, two extra [Loan] cards will be add to your hand immediately.
If you purchase something successfully using this card, the item purchased will be added to your hand immediately.
CostULSC gem 2 6 Notes
Decompose (Normal) Blue +250
Decompose (Rare) Blue +750
Craft Blue -1250
Maximum 2

Cobb ULSC sk4
Effect ULSC Attack 2 = 3.
Draw 2 cards.
Transform all the [Crystal] cards in your hand into [Rifle].
CostULSC gem 2 9 Notes
Decompose (Normal) Blue +600
Decompose (Rare) Blue +1800
Craft Blue -3000
Maximum 1

